Generate alternatives to decrease at least 5% of the concentration of cadmium levels in soil, which will benefit 150,000 farmers, and will be reflected in the reduction of the risk to human health, by consuming products contaminated with this heavy metal.
Escuela Politécnica del Litoral - ESPOL

Investment Requested US$: 500000
Counterpart Amount US$: 1953546
Total Amount US$: 2453546
Execution Period: 48 MONTHS
Technological Solution
Development of technological alternatives for the management of cadmium in the cultivation of cocoa and standardization of protocols in reference laboratories in the region.
Executive Summary
The Multiagency Platform of Cocoa is constituted by seven countries (Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Panamá, Italy, Germany) and is a regional reference for the development of new knowledge, generation of technologies and proposals of protocols for the value chain. The project will focus on understanding the dynamics of cadmium in production systems, improve current levels of productivity, generate knowledge about quality and safety issues, generate cadmium maps and thus establish mitigation plans and technologies, among others.
Sustainable development goals

Alignment to the PMP of Fontagro
It contributes to the "consolidation of regional and inter-regional platforms to respond to opportunities and challenges, strengthening the capacities of national systems, as well as attacking barriers to the adoption of new knowledge and technologies". The project will be executed within the framework of the strategic line "to improve the strategic lines of technological, organizational and institutional innovation in the member countries" determined in the same document.
Potential of beneficiaries
Potential beneficiaries include 150,000 agriculturists to apply the technology generated during the project, enabling them to reduce cadmium concentrations in cocoa.